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Friday, 7 December 2007

Fire at YMCA Hostel

South London YMCA have been commended by Norbury fire brigade for practising outstanding health and safety after a fire broke out at a Hostel in Croydon on Wednesday 19th October at 5:05pm. A spokesperson for the fire service said: “The YMCA staff did a good job of evacuating all the residents so quickly and leading everyone to safety.” 120 residents were evacuated within 15 minutes by members of staff from the smoky corridors of the 12 floor hostel building. The fire, which is believed to have been accidental, started on the second floor by a resident who had not put out a cigarette. The South London YMCA is one of the largest housing organisations in Croydon that provide hostel accommodation and other support services to young and homeless people. South London YMCA hostel manager Toyin Ojo said: “I am very proud of both YMCA staff and resident’s quick response to the fire. Part of our induction is for staff and residents to take part in health and safety. Situations like this proves how essential health and safety training is.” No one was treated for any injuries.

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