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Sunday, 27 December 2009

Sex In the City Trailer

The Sex In the City trailer has been released! Yay!!!  The film is not released until the summer so here is a sneak peak of what my girl Carrie B and her girlies have planned!

Brittany Murphy Found Dead

When I heard Hollywood actress Brittany Murphy died on Thursday (through Twitter of all sources!) I was shocked. I haven't seen the actress in anything since Sin City so hearing she had died was just awful.

What's worse is the way she 32, she was found unconcious in her bathroom of a suspected heart attack.  At 32??? Hmmmmmm something doesn't sound right if...

According to reports, ten different types of medication were found on Brittany's bedside table by a police officer. Her husband, British film director Simon Moniack was also questionned about his wife's death. Strangely, he initially refused a post-mortem test (which was over-ruled by the coroner), but yet a few days later agreed to do an interview with celeb magazine People.

 Brittany & her husband

He revealed Brittany suffered from a heart murmur, which causes fatigue, dizziness and irregular heartbeats. 

Uh huh..sure she did...

He also did an interview on American television only hours after Britanny was pronounced dead.  Her husband has been labelled a "con-artist" by some media outlets after stories have emerged of him being in debt, doing credit card fraud and troubles with visa violations (hence the reason he married Britanny). Doesn't sound good does it?

And im sure there are more revealations to come. Whilst I do not always believe everything that I read in the media, that old saying seems to come in mind..."no smoke without fire."

Brittany in Clueless (centre)

But minus the drama, I'd rather remember Brittany as the incredible actress she was.  She starred in Eight Mile with Eminem but most famously Clueless as Tay, the sweet, niave friend of Cher and Dionne the two Valley girls her character tried so hard to impress.  Sadly, Britanny was buried in the same memorial park as Michael Jackson. 

Makes you wonder whose next to go in Hollyweird?

Friday, 4 December 2009

The Lovely Bones Film

By Alice Sebold
If you haven't read, The Lovely Bones, by Alice Sebold then you don't know what you are missing.

The story is set in 1973 about a girl Susie who is murdered by her neighbour who so happens to be a serial killer. (Charming, I know)  She narrates the story from heaven, watching her killer, her family and friends as he attempts to kill again and they attempt to recover from losing Susie.
When I found out that the film maker Peter Jackson (Lord of the Rings) was interested in making the book into a film and actually wrote the script I couldn't believe it! Fast forward December 2009 and the trailer, starring Mark Walhberg and Racel Weisz, has been released. 

Film poster

 It is, without a doubt, one of my favourite books. It touches on so many issues, relationships, friendships, the nuclear family, religion, death, grief and murder.  What I like most about the plot is the way it was written as the style is unusual and unconventional for most novels.  And although the main story is of a murdered girl, the novel is actually a lot more postive then it initially seems. I will not reveal any more of the story and let you read it for yourself!

I can not WAIT to see the film, I am beyond excited YAY!
Enjoy the trailer whilst its still available on youtube!


Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Uh-oh..Tiger you have been busted!

 Tiger Woods

It started with a mysterious car crash and its ended with cheating allegations. It hasn't been a good week for Tiger Woods.

Earlier today, Tiger, 33, released a statement to the press following allegations that appeared in US Weekly magazine that he had cheated on his wife.

He said, "I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart.  I have not been true to my values and the behaviour my family deserves."

Last Friday, the world number 1 golfer, was involved in a car accident and knocked unconscious after hiting a water hydrant and tree.  Florida police told a news conference that he would be charged with wreckless driving and could be fined about £100 and have four points taken off his licence. 

Doesn't sound too bizarre, these celebrities are always involved in some type of scandal, but the plot thickens...

Tiger and his wife, Elin

Celebrity website TMZ reported that his wife, Elin, scratched his face and chased after his car with, *wait for it* a GOLF CLUB.

Could this story get any stranger?!

It was alleged that the mystery car crash was linked to claims that Tiger had an affair with a nightclub hostess, Rachel Uchitel.

What makes this story even worse is that Tiger's PR/Publicity camp refused to release a statement straight away, making the crash seem more suspicious, therefore leading to gossip websites running wild with rumours of what supposedly happened. Big Big mistake Tiger.

 Rachel Uchitel

Then, to make matters worse, a cocktail waitress has come forward and done a fabulous kiss-and-tell. It's not the crappy ones that wannabe-wags get away with. This one actually has EVIDENCE.  US Weekly magazine claim to have the alleged voicemail Tiger left the woman, three days before the crash, to warn her that his wife had gone through his phone and "may call you".

Jaimee Grubbs (you couldn't make that surname up!) claims to have voicemails, photos and up to 300 texts from the Pro Golfer.

The 24 year old said of their relationship, "He told me just last month quietly and secretly we will always be together. He gave me the impression he and his wife had separate rooms.  We never talked about Golf, sometimes we talked about his stressful life. He told me his life was overwhelming." 

Jaimee Grubbs

Tiger Woods has won over 14 major golf tournaments and picked up £66 million in prize money and endorsements last year.  Pressure indeed.  Though I am sure he realised that the bigger the star, the more press scrutiny you attract..after all sex sells.  Following these cheating allegations, Tiger released this statement to the press:-

"Although I am a well-known person and have made my career as a professional athlete, I have been dismayed to realise the full extent of what tabloid scrutiny really means.  I am dealing with my behaviour and personal failings behind closed doors with my family. Those feelings should be shared by us alone."

I think it is a little niave for Tiger to feel so "dismayed" over the press attention he has received. Having been in the limelight since winning his first major title at 21, it's well known that Tiger is a very private person and does very few interviews. His clean cut image has helped him win a fortune in endorsements and contracts making him worth over £63.3 million. (Pre-nup anyone?!)

Yet anyone who watches the news, reads  newspapers or magazines and uses the internet knows that celebrity gossip is just as newsworthy as war and politics - some might say even more so. So playing the "dismayed" card doesn't fool me or many others I might add (your wife perhaps?!)

Meanwhile the other alleged mistress, Uchitel told the New York Post that she was "No homewrecker."

The 31 year old said, "I have not had an affair with Tiger Woods. It's horrible to Tiger's family.  His wife must feel horrible. The worst part of it, it's not true."  She said she had welcomed Tiger to a New York club where she worked as Manager of VIP and they had met briefly "for two seconds".  The longest two seconds of his life perhaps?!?

  US Weekly story running on their website..

Shame on Tiger's publicity team. Sack whoever is handling it, because they've done an awful job. Always, always realease a statement after an incident. Celebrities should learn from the Chris/Rihanna incident where rumours got out of control because neither of their PR teams confirmed or denied outrageous stories.

To hear Tiger Wood's voicemail click below...poor guy ...poor wife...he's soooooooo busted!

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Watch the moment when Kate Dumps Alex..on LIVE TV!

 Katie being interviewed after leaving the jungle

Breaking up is never easy. What's worse is being dumped. You feel so guilty if your the dumper, even more awful if your the dumpee.

But can you IMAGINE if you were dumped LIVE ON TV???

Opps, shouldn't have said that! 

Bare a thought for Alex Reid, the cage-fighting cross-dressing ex of Katie Price, who was dumped sensationally last night by Katie live on tv...

Just hours after leaving the jungle, during her interview, Katie uttered the words, "I'm not with him, No." even I was shocked by Kate's revelation. So you can imagine Alex's reaction!!!  According to the News of the World, Alex had travelled to Australia to meet Katie in hope of proposing to her.

Hmmmm, isn't it a bit suspicious for someone to reveal to the papers they are going to propose when something like that is meant to be a *whispers* secret??? Hmmmm, very suspect...

 There's nothing like a bit of retail therapy!

So perhaps Katie thought, keeping with the revelations she would publicly reveal hers, "I just want to be on my own!"

Watch..and enjoy! (from 5:35 onwards is when it gets juicy...)  

Lmao...especially at the classic "your dumped" line, "I hope we can remain friends."

Mariah..the Diva???

 Mariah on GMTV

Mariah Carey - the diva??? Well this is the labelled she has been branded with by GMTV host Kate Garraway and This Morning Presenter Phillip Schofield.

First it was Phillip, being the "computer whiizz" he is, Phillip tweeted that Mariah was running late to the interview and uploaded a picture of him waiting impatiently on a sofa.  He tweeted to his 300,000 followers;-

"Sitting her twiddling our thumbs waiting for Mariah." Then half an hour later he scarcastically tweeted, "Her people have arrived..Think I will give her until 2pm" Miaow!!!

 Phillip's picture he uploaded on his Twitter account

The singer arrived in the UK last week to perform on the X-factor and open Westfield's shopping centre for Christmas Wonderland.

According to Kate, Mariah - the world's best-selling female artist, shocked producers and the production team with her "diva-style" behaviour.  Kate revealed in her magazine column that Mariah:-

  •  ..had two people "lower her" on the the GMTV sofa
  • ..had an entourage watching to ensure she was being filmed at her best angle
  • ...brought her own toilet roll to the studios

 Mariah pictured out & about in London

In her magazine column Kate exclaimed, "Have you ever heard anything like it?" 

Erm, sorry, am I missing something?! What on earth is wrong with the "demands" Mariah made? So what if she had someone check her dress was fitted correctly. Wouldn't you ask your friends to check if your dress was ok too? And what is the problem with her bringing her own toilet roll? So the girl likes the comfort of a particular brand...shoot her!

Kate Garraway with her co-presenter Ben Shepherd

Strangely enough, Miss Garraway was not in the studio at the same time as Mariah and her entourage. how on earth would she know about this so-called "diva-behaviour".  A "source" close to the presenter said:" Kate got in shortly afterwards and the place was abuzz with what happened.  It was not so much Mariah, as she points out - but her entourage."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this sounds like a blatant  (and unnecessary) attack on poor Mariah. Kate Garraway wasn't even in the building! The cheek of her! Call it sour grapes, being a hater or the green-eyed monster because I can't think of a reason why Kate would write about Mariah  being a diva in her column when she wasn't even there to witness the "diva" antics. 

Eurgh! I hate haters!!!

Anyhoo let's end this post nicely with the interview with the other nice GMTV presenter, Lorraine Kelly.  I think Mariah came across fairly well, considering she's a "diva" and all! ;-) 

PS look out for her hubby Nick Cannon's quick appearance - those two are sooooo cute together! ♥

Monday, 23 November 2009

J-Lo Falls Flat on her...ASS at American Music Awards

It's been a while since I last saw J-Lo perform live - which might explain why she landed on her ass during her performance last night at the AMA's.

 J-lo attempting the tricky dance move...

It was a daring move, I couldn't have done it! Then again, I'm not a singer/dancer/performer like J-Lo is. But even if I was, it was one of those dance manoeuvres that no matter how many times you practise, sometimes, it goes wrong.

The audience gasped when she lost her balance on the human pyramid - but like a true perfomer she got straight back up again and carried on.

J-lo taking a tumble :-(

What can you say? She's got the fighting spirit, can't keep a girl down, that ole "Jenny from the block" :-) 

Anyhoo let's take a look at who wore what and the winners on the night...


Carrie Underwood

Alicia Keys

Leona Lewis


Black Eyed Peas

Kelly Clarkson

Keith Urban & Nicole Kidman

Alicia Keys & JayZ performing

Janet Jackson performing

Whitney Houston performing

Lady Gaga performing

Host of the evening, Ryan Seacrest

Winners on the night

Artist Of The Year: Taylor Swift
International Artist Of The Year: Whitney Houston
Favourite Pop/Rock Male Artist: Michael Jackson
Favourite Pop/Rock Female Artist: Taylor Swift
Favourite Pop/Rock Band, Duo or Group: The Black Eyed Peas
Favourite Pop/Rock Album: Taylor Swift - Fearless
Favourite Country Male Artist: Keith Urban
Favourite Country Female Artist: Taylor Swift
Favourite Country Band, Duo or Group: Rascal Flatts
Favourite Country Album: Taylor Swift - Fearless
Favourite Hip-Hop Male Artist: Jay-Z
Favourite Hip-Hop Album: Jay-Z - Blueprint
Favourite Soul/R&B Male Artist: Michael Jackson
Favourite Soul/R&B Female Artist: Beyonce
Favourite Soul/R&B Band, Duo or Group: The Black Eyed Peas
Favourite Soul/R&B Album: Michael Jackson - Number Ones
Favourite Soundtrack Album: Twilight
Favourite Adult Contemporary Artist: Taylor Swift
Favourite Alternative Rock Artist: Green Day
Favourite Latin Artist: Aventura
Favourite Contemporary Inspirational Artist: Mary Mary
Breakthrough Artist Of The Year: Gloriana

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Would YOU dress your child like this?

People in life make choices everyday..sometimes you make the right choice, other times it can be the wrong one.  Nethertheless you learn from your mistakes and move on.

However, being a child, the choice is out of your hands and that's why we put our trust in our parents to make the right choices for us...

So WTF is all this about?!? 

Suri Cruise

Some people might say Suri, aged 3, the daughter of Hollywood star Tom Cruise and former Dawson Creek's actress Katy Holmes, looks "adorable" tottering away in her kitten heels. Others would disagree. Including me!

They may as well put her in a bikini and demand she wear that too. Oh and let's not forget some sparkling heels to go with it.

Apparently, Suri has a designer wardrobe meant to be worth around £2 million. Allegedly she has a make-up collection and she has been seen wearing nail polish and lipstick.  Of course these are all rumours and nothing is confirmed but hel-lo there is evidence of her wearing high heels.

EXCUSE ME how old is this woman child???

Suri stumbling over the heels...

Am I the only person who thinks it's a little bit strange that her parents allow her to wear high heels???

All children love to play dress up, especially young girls. They admire their mothers and naturally they want to dress up like them, in all their clothes, jewerlly, make-up and shoes...

But I think it's time for someone to tell Suri play-time is O-V-E-R.  I can not, for the life of me, believe that she actually enjoys wearing those shoes.  You only need to ask the majority of women on how "comfortable" (please note the use of speech marks) high heeled shoes are. There not. But they look fabulous and that's all that matters.  The poor child can't even walk in the shoes, tripping over herself in the rain.  Tell me that is a good look??? 

Suri & mother, Katie

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Kate Moss's Motto on Life...

 Kate Moss

I ♥ Kate Moss' style.

I ♥ Kate Moss because she makes Croydon cool hmmmm, lets not exaggerate..credible *Yay!*

I ♥ the mystique that surrounds Kate, like the fact she RARELY gives interviews.

But that is where my love affair with Kate ends - and yours will too when you read this.

It is well known that Kate NEVER, HARDLY EVER, VERY RARELY gives interviews to the media.  She has a very strong PR team that monitors and closely advises her every move.  This strategic plan has worked thus so far.  According to "industry experts" (whoever the heck that is!) Kate is worth up to £25 million.  Even when she was branded "Cocaine Kate" after THOSE awful pictures of her emerged of her "allegedly" snorting cocaine, that didn't stop her earning power and appeal as the most fashionable model in the world.

Kate Moss in Topshop Campaign

So in an interview for fashion bible mag WWD, she was asked by it's beauty website section her motto on life.

Simple question right? Should be a simple answer.

Nope - not for her.

Georgous Kate at a YSL shoot - one of my fave pics 
of her.. ♥ her hair and outfit

Ms. Moss decides to open her big mouth.  The very mouth her PR team have tried so desperately to keep shut because of fear she will..well open her big mouth and act like a dumb model.  She said:-

"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels, that's one of them." 
- Kate Moss, WWD website. 

Thank you Kate for re-inforcing all those stereotypes about the fashion industry promoting unhealty and underweight models.

Thank you Kate for promoting that skinny is cool and any girl that is over a size 12 should feel like a freak and there is something wrong with them.

Thank you Kate for feeding (no pun intended) those Pro-anna sufferers (Pro-annorexics) with your pathetic statement that skinny is a good look...because it isn't.

Perhaps she really, truly, is a Croydonian girl at heart - a stupid chav. Her answer really does make me wonder - are models really as dumb as they look?

Anyway I found this video of Kate Moss getting a telling off from Dizzee Rascal at the GQ Awards earlier this year.  Not only did she rudely interrupt his interview but she also  came back "pretending" to find her lipstick -  ermmmmm SURELY  Kate earn's more than enough to buy a whole shop full of lipsticks!?!  

Anyway watch the clip below for yourself...frigging hilarious!

Toodles! :-)

Rumble in the Jungle! Katy's Back on I'm A Celebrity..

Katy Price returned to I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here on Tuesday night, much to the annoyance of her fellow campers.

Since the line up had been announced and rumours of Katy going back into the jungle emerged, it wasn't the biggest surprise when Katy walked into the camp...

Katy Arriving in Australia where show is filmed 

...But I was gobsmacked! Even though Katy was rumoured to have been paid £400,000 (isn't it a recession?!) I really didn't think she would go back to the reality tv show that made her the milliionaire that she is today.

When asked by some of the contestants (goodness knows who, I can't remember any of those Z-listers..) why she decided to return to the show Kate said she needed "closure" from her marriage breakdown and media backlash she had suffered.

Katie & Peter when the first appeared on the show 

Fair enough I say. Everyone from people on my facebook, forums, blogs, journalists and other celebrities in the media have slated her, criticising her decision to appear on the reality tv show. 

What shocks me the most is how fickle people are.   We've seen it before time and time again, the public's opinion on celebrities change. 

Michael Jackson and Jade Goody are just two examples. Countlessly criticised and ridiculed by the press until their deaths earlier this year. Then it was time to mourn Jade labelled by newspapers and critics, "The Nation's Sweetheart" or MJ "The King of Pop".  Where were these compliments and praises when these two celebrities were alive? I'm sure they would have NOT like to be remembered as "Piggy", "Chav" or "Wacko Jacko" but those were the names they were labelled by the media...

And now it's Katie's turn.  It wasn't long ago that young girls and women all over the country hailed Katie Price as a postive role model. She was the independent business woman who had turned her glamour modelling into a multi-million pound empire.

Yet as soon as she split from her husband, "Pefect" Pete, she was vilified in the press and the witch-hunt began. What's even worse is that female journalists seem to be her harshest critics. What happened to sisterhood eh???

I'm going to end this blog with less criticism and on a high. Below is the image that dominated most newspapers the next day after she appeared on the reality tv show.  Katie sure doesn't waste time does she!? ;-)

Katy showing off her new bikini

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

♥ Abz Fashion Frillz ♥

I've finally decided to join the rest of the Youtube world with my a fashion Vlog (Video Blog) on all the latest celebrity fashion, fashion news, style trends and where to get the best high-street bargains.

Would ♥ to hear feedback so please let me know what you loved and hated!


Friday, 13 November 2009

Channel 4 New Show - Misfits

 Ch4's new show, Misfits

Whose still watching Heroes? Because I'm not. It's not because it isn't a good show. Infact Season 1 was amazing Season 2 was good too but hell-o WHAT happened to Season 3?? I'm not even discussing Season 4 as I haven't watched a single episode. It seriously lost the plot and although loads of people told me to stick at it (apparently it gets better) other shows have appeared (True Blood anyone?!) and I've lost interest.

"Kelly" played by Lauren Socha

So now we've got vampires and neck-suckers, a genre I've always loved (Blade anyone!?) but the Superhero genre is another favourite of mine. X-men started it, (and boy did they start it!) Heroes continuted it (then sadly lost it) and then Channel 4 created Misfits...

"Simon" played by Iwan Rheon

Five young people on community service get struck by a flash storm..and are stuck with special powers.

You've got Kelly, the lass up north, who can suddenly hear people's thoughts; shamed sports hero Curtis who can turn back time, party girl Alisha that sends people into a "sexual frenzy" (E4's description-not mine!); shy guy Simon who can make himself invisable and funny man Nathan who seems to be far..

"Curtis" played by Nathan Stewart Jarrett

Viewers might compare it to other superhero shows like Heroes or but there are some major differences, the most significant is that its a well-written British drama.  The Guardian described it as "Heroes meets Shaun of the Dead" - what a LAME description! Yes they are both equally good tv/films showing zombies and superheroes but does Heroes or Shaun of the Dead have a predominately young cast?  No. Did either of these programmes/films use the unique advertising campaign Channel 4 is using to promote it? Er no again.  Lame comparison right thurrrrrrrr.

Ch4's Skins 

Selected characters have Twitter accounts and apparently they will tweet while the show is being broadcast.  Channel 4 released a 40 second promo of the series, developed a limited edition graphic novel called "Misfits" which has already been handed out across many Universities in the UK.  They've even built a whole "Misfits Online Experience" with bonus scenes, and a chance for viewers to step into the epsiode's environment with games, community boards etc. 

 "Alisha" played by Antonia Thomas

It will be interesting to see how the series develops, but all in all I'm excited about this one.  It's very British, very brilliantly written and its got a very good, strong, young cast.

It's amazing what happens when British writers are given the chance to show their talents. Skins, Dead-Set and now Misfits...a note to BBC - fix up look sharp because Channel 4 is getting harder, better, faster and stronger in the race to produce quality programmes..and about time too!

Watch the Trailer below on Youtube but be quick before Youtube removes it..piracy is a bassssstarrrrrrrd

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