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Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Watch the moment when Kate Dumps Alex..on LIVE TV!

 Katie being interviewed after leaving the jungle

Breaking up is never easy. What's worse is being dumped. You feel so guilty if your the dumper, even more awful if your the dumpee.

But can you IMAGINE if you were dumped LIVE ON TV???

Opps, shouldn't have said that! 

Bare a thought for Alex Reid, the cage-fighting cross-dressing ex of Katie Price, who was dumped sensationally last night by Katie live on tv...

Just hours after leaving the jungle, during her interview, Katie uttered the words, "I'm not with him, No." even I was shocked by Kate's revelation. So you can imagine Alex's reaction!!!  According to the News of the World, Alex had travelled to Australia to meet Katie in hope of proposing to her.

Hmmmm, isn't it a bit suspicious for someone to reveal to the papers they are going to propose when something like that is meant to be a *whispers* secret??? Hmmmm, very suspect...

 There's nothing like a bit of retail therapy!

So perhaps Katie thought, keeping with the revelations she would publicly reveal hers, "I just want to be on my own!"

Watch..and enjoy! (from 5:35 onwards is when it gets juicy...)  

Lmao...especially at the classic "your dumped" line, "I hope we can remain friends."


Jade Purple Brown said...

thats so funny!u should check out my blod where its all about fashion!

DoYouNoah said...

hehe she is hilarious!follow me huni im following u now ♥ yr blog the style is fabulous!:-) xoxo

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