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Sunday, 1 March 2015

Beautiful Window Boxes to Brighten Up Your Home

Preparing window boxes for the front garden

Today felt like early Spring in London - it was so sunny and bright this weekend it got me thinking now is the time to start getting the garden ready for more warm weather.

If you're looking for ways to make the front of your home more appealing, then add charm to your front garden with window boxes. 

These flower arrangements are a simple way to brighten up the front of your home and if you have a small garden like I do, the window boxes are ideal and make great compact miniature gardens.

So here are my top tips on how to create the perfect window boxes in three easy steps:

 Select your flowers!

Step 1 - Select your flowers: There are lots of beautiful plants perfect for window boxes but remember it's not just about what they look like but whether they are suitable for your balcony. Some plants prefer the sun and others prefer partial shade. Is your house south facing? Then choose plants which like constant sunshine like petunias or geraniums.  Plants which prefer partial shade are better suited to balconies which face east or west. Fuchsias, ferns or ivy best suit balconies with partial shade. If you're not sure on the right sunlight for the plant check the labels so you know the right plants for your window box. 

Prepare the soil ready for your plants

Step 2 - Prepare the soil: Once you've selected your flowers, mix with soil from the flowers and add to your window box, adding soil from your garden too. Pour  water in the soil until if feels like a damp sponge ready to add your plants. 

 Plant the box but don't forget to dampen the soil of the plant too

Step 3 - Plant the box: Next, start to arrange your plants on top of the soil to approximate their position and gently tip them out of their containers. Start planting in the centre of the box and work toward the sides, adding more soil around the roots as you plant the flowers.

Plant no more than three plants leaving enough space between them

Moisten the base of the plants to settle them into the soil again adding more soil as needed. Place the box beneath the window and water thoroughly until the drainage holes start to drip.  Then you're window boxes are ready for display!

How the finished window boxes look displayed on my window ledges 

If you don’t have a garden and a balcony or window ledge is all you have to work with then I would highly recommend adding some pretty window boxes to brighten up the front of your property.

I'm so pleased with my window boxes, it's a simple way to  change the appearance of your home and doesn't take much effort to maintain the plants either. Just don't forget to water your window boxes every day in the Summer, so that the soil is kept moist and your plants stay blooming gorgeous!

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