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Monday, 1 March 2010

Keisha To Sue Sugababes Over Band Name

 Keisha former Sugababe is taking legal action

According to news reports, former Sugababe Keisha Buchanan has demanded that the Sugababes stop using the band name...or pay her a MASSIVE financial settlement.

Surely this has something to do with the fact she was kicked out/or made to walk out (depending on which story you believe) last year.  

Longest standing member Heidi Range, Amelle Berrabah and newest member Jade Ewen are all facing an expensive legal battle to save their future.

 New Sugababe line-up

"The Sugababes are one of the most successful girl bands of all time, but if they are forced to change their name, it would be absolutely disastrous for them," said a secret "source".

"It would be very hard for them to maintain any credibility if they had no original band members and were called something else," they explained.

The singer founded the original Sugababes over a decade ago along with fellow former member, Mutya Buena, and is credited with choosing the Sugababes name.  Oh dear!

Original Sugababe line-up

Looks like this is the end of Sugababes as we know it! I personally think they should have changed the name as soon as Keisha left.  How many changes can one group have??? Not even Destiny's Child had this many changes! Their management should have advised the girls to wipe the slate clean with a brand new name, image and music.  So what do you think? Should Sugababes change their name? Does Keisha have the right to sue them? Thoughts please!

I'm sure we haven't heard the last of this story - will keep you posted!

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