The fifth live show took place this Saturday 8th November with guest performances from Mariah Carey making it a Mariah song choice night. Unfortunately (or fortunately if you're not a big fan of big shouty voices) Laura was voted out. :-(
She came head to head against "Spainish senorita" Ruth as they belted out their song of choice to convince the judges to keep them in.
This is the second week two singers have been booted off X-factor. Last week, audiences were shocked to see Austin kicked out and now Laura. Austin was one of my favourites to win and I was convinved if he didn't, Laura would. Either the audience don't like soul singersm or, shock horror, X-factor is a fix?!?
Rachel received a great deal of press within the last few days...but all for the wrong reasons. News of the World published a story about Rachel living on benefits and The Mirror did one better with an interview with a pensioner's husband whose wife was allegedelly mugged by Rachel.
I think it's so sad that the press are writing such unfavourable, one-sided stories on Rachel. She has been extremely honest about her past of drugs, prison, children in care etc but they are choosing to report these stories instead. It was awful to see Rachel break down on Saturday's live show. It's a shame that the press can't use her example of someone turning their life around for the better rather than digging up stories of her past. The past is the past leave her alone and let her do what she loves best - sing!
With that rant over here is a clip of the lovely Mariah performing on X-factor. Aren't all those contestants lucky to have met her?? JLS made me laugh so much..their eyes literally popped out before them when Mariah walked into the room-bless their little 'earts!
PS Diana and Alexandra to win!
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