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Sunday, 4 April 2010

American Apparel Riots in London

Police trying to arrest member of the public

When I got the Facebook event that invited me to the American Apparel sample sale of course I accepted.  Who knew the event would turn into a disaster with a capital D.
Scuffles broke out at the Brick Lane branch in East London when more than 2,000 people turned up to catch the "amazing bargains".

America Apparel called the police and stopped the sale when the crowds got out of control. Three people were arrested and 10 officers sustained "minor injuries".

In a statement on their official website, American Apparel wrote, 

"The response at our first Rummage Sale in London was overwhelming and humbling.  Some unfortunate and downright dangerous behaviour in the queue prompted the police to temporarily close the event down until they could ensure security for everyone involved. 

In our many rummage sales, we've never witnessed anything like it and are disappointed and sorry that it happened."

Sorry that it happened?? What the hell did they expect by placing an open event on Facebook?! 

Anyway enough from me-seefor yourself...

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