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Monday, 30 May 2011

Outfit of the Day

I was on the look out for a party outfit for the bank holiday weekend but only had an hour to dash into a few stores after work. 

My first stop was Zara where I spotted a gorgeous off-white chiffon blouse which I teamed with a bold blue mini skirt to add a little pop of colour to my outfit - voila! Outfit sorted in under an hour! ;-)

 Cropped leather jacket - Zara
Blouse - Zara
Skirt - Zara
Shoes - Tesco

Skirt - also available in orange and purple!
Clutch - lovely woven over-sized clutch, the leopard print design broke up the outfit

Heels - absolute bargain from Tesco! So comfy too!


the twenty said...

the skirt is such a lovely colour!

DoYouNoah said...

Thank you! i am loving all the bright colours in the stores this season!xx

maphi bayolo said...

love the outfit and the bag is so cute xoxo

DoYouNoah said...

Thank you! Comes in lots of different lovely colours too!x

THEStyleBITE said...

Please can I have your figure!! You look gorg as per doll

DoYouNoah said...

Awww thanks gorgeous! mwah xx

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