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Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Ciara Does the Migraine Skank!

LoveLoveLove it when a celebrity reveals that they are just like us mere mortals - and in this case it was the Princess of Crunk Ciara when she visited London last week... Gracious "Nappaman" K (famous for club banger Migraine Skank) showed Ciara how to do the infamous "migraine skank" when being interviewed by Mista Jam on his Radio 1 show.
Wasn't she good?! Most artists wouldn't have even bothered but she looked like she was enjoying it to - and so she should! Britain offers more than tea, cockney rhyming slang and the Queen! The UK music scene is moving forward and it's about time the US recognise that :-)
Visit Gracious "Nappaman" K's myspace at

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