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Sunday, 26 April 2009

Defoe's MC Brother Killed

Jermain Defoe
Footballer, Jermain Defoe's half-brother, Jade Defoe died on Friday after a daylight street attack in Walnut Gardens, East London. A post-mortem confirmed that Jade suffered serious head injuries. A 28 year old man has been arrested in connection with the death of Jade Defoe, and has been released on bail. Jade 26, also known as EscoBar, was an MC from Slew Dem Cru and appeared on Grime DVDs such as Lord of the Mics 2. More than 600 friends and fans joined a tribute page created on Facebook. Jermain Defoe was withdrawn from the Tottenham Hotspur game that lost 5-2 to Manchester United on Saturday. A spokesman for Tottenham Hotspurs said: "All at the club wish to extend their condolences to Jermain Defoe and his family following the death of his half-brother." Unfortunately not all the reports and statements were as sensitive. The Sun threw all sensitivity out of the window and released these details about Jermain and his family: "Jermain, also 26, and Jade had the same Father, crack addict Jimmy Defoe. He has three other sons, all by different mothers, but the half-brothers are said to be close." WTF??? Why is it necessary to release all of this negative information? Is it so important to release details that Jermain's father is a "Crack addict" and has three other sons by three different mothers??? The fact that the Sun has mentioned the brothers are close is also slightly strange. Are siblings not usually close? Especially when a tragedy such as this affects a family? Or is there an exception for those with crack head fathers - perhaps they don't share the same closeness as those without parents without an addiction? To say I'm shocked would be a lie because I don't expect anything less than a low-class trashy newspaper like the Sun to report on such nonsense. But that's where yours truly steps in, reporting straight facts minus the B.S..rant over! :-) I've added some clips of Jade doing what he does best. R.I.P EscoBar...


ACS Kings and Queens said...

So true. No respect. What relevance did that have...that racist NF paper needs to be boycotted along with the Daily Mail

Unknown said...

Always trying to put black in bad light. Reminds me of popo

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