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Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Adele covers October UK Vogue

 Adele covers UK Vogue!

Soul singer Adele posed for Vogue's October cover and candidly talks about the media's obsession with women and weight.

The 23 year old said: "I enjoy being me, I always have done.  I've seen people where it rules their lives, you know, who want to be thinner or have bigger boobs and how it wears them down.  And I just don't want that in my life."

 Adele embraces her fuller figure

She said: "I don’t want to see me plastered everywhere..if they offered me £10million, I’d be like f*** off. Besides if I was going to be the face of anything it should be the face of full-fat coke."

How refreshing to see photos of a celebrity that isn't stick thin, happy with their weight and still beautiful.  It is so tiring seeing the same images of unhealthy looking models in magazines. 

 Adele in October's Vogue issue

In an industry where being size 0 and looking gaunt is celebrated and not discouraged, I think Adele is a great role model for women. We all have insecurities, even Adele, as she mentions in her Vogue interview. But she still ensures she maintains a positive self-image.  She said: "I have insecurities of course, but I don’t hang out with anyone who points them out to me."

Vogue definitely deserve credit for making Adele their cover model. Let's hope they continue this trend and we see more healthy looking celebrities and model gracing the front covers of high fashion magazines.

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