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Monday, 12 September 2011

Decorating your home on a budget

 Decoration ideas for the home

Colour schemes, flooring guides, wallpaper, blinds or curtains, sash window, gardening..the list goes on.

Who would have thought decorating a room would be so...time consuming?! Never mind an entire house!  As I start a project decorating my home I will share all my tips, tricks, ideas and show you how I will be decorating my new home on a budget. 

 Decoration ideas for student accommodation

So let's start with all the students who are starting at Uni now or in October.  Take a look at this feature article I wrote for my University magazine on how to decorate your student room on a budget. Although I wrote it a few years ago, the same rules still apply for cheap decorating ideas for your student accomodation which can seem so dull, cold and small. Please send me any tips you have too!

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