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Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Love | Want | Need - Hello Kitty Bikini

 Hayden Panettierein in Hello Kitty bikini

If you didn't already know, I am a HUGE fan of all things Hello Kitty. So you can imagine my delight when I spotted Hayden Panettierein a georgous Hello Kitty bikini.

I love the colours red and white and think it really suits her. I tried looking for a Hello Kitty bikini but it seems the only genuine clothing is only available in kidswear *uber sad face*

I ♥ this bikini!

Though I did find a website that sells some really cute Hello Kitty items like phone accessories, clothing, stationery etc.

Compact mirror and purse

If you happen to know of any websites that ship Hello Kitty bikini's to the UK holla atch girl! ♥


Gennny_fromtheblock said...

hey hun! im having a huge makeup sale on my blog so please feel free to check it out!

Bombchell said...

a bunch of my homegirls are obsessed with hello kitty.

hmm I think I saw a black hello kitty bikini in Hot Topic << yup the gothic store.

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