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Monday, 8 February 2010

John Terry..Another Cheating Footballer *YAWN*

Sordid Football Love Triangle... 
Once upon a time there lived a Premiership footballer who earned loadsa money, was idoled by his entire country, married with kids....and got caught cheating on his wife.  

The end.

  Footballer John Terry & his wife, Teri in happier times

Hands up who doesn't know this story? Hands up whose BORED of this story already? Hmmmmm, me too! For those who don't know, let me re-cap in as few words as possible.

John Terry, who plays for Chelsea and former captain of England had an affair with his team-mates ex girlfriend, Vannessa Perroncel at the end of last year.

 John Terry & Wayne Bridges...bum chums celebrating victory...(if only he knew!)

What makes this story so SICKENING is that John Terry chose his team-mate, Wayne Bridges, ex bird Vanessa... The two footballers were very good friends and even John's wife and Vanessa were friendly, often going on holidays together...WOW talk about betrayal!

  Teri & Vanessa happily cheering on their men at a football game...(if only she knew!)

The story doesn't end here...oh gets better. So Terry won a gagging order stopping the public learning about the affair.  Unlucky for JT, the injunction was lifted on the 29th January 2010.  JT thought by using the super-injunction under human rights laws he could claim media reporting the affair would breach his right to a "private and family life."
Vanessa, french-born lingerie model..apparently...

PUH-LEASE! Who is this dimwit trying to kidd?!  Private life + Footballer. There is no such thing!  Those two words are an oxymoron in itself.  As far as I'm concerned, all celebrities, sports-stars, politician or anyone else living in the public eye is open to scrutiny and media coverage GOOD & BAD. These "celebrities" can not pick and choose when and what is be to reported. This comes with the job...DEAL WITH IT!

(l) Vanessa and Teri (r) on holiday in Dubai with kids
All week, more allegations have emerged between the sordid affair.  It is alleged that Vanessa had an abortion within months of the affair starting - and  John paid for the termination.  Poor Teri, his wife, having NO idea her friend had terminated her husband's baby.

Teri & Vanessa happily shopping together (if only she knew!)

Apparently, there was a show-down between the ex-friends when Teri called Vanessa and told her, "Call yourself a friend? What sort of friend sleeps with their mates husband?" To which Vanessa's response was that Teri had in fact not been a friend to HER.  She claimed that Teri hadn't even bothered to contact her when her ex, Wayne, broke up with her. As far as Teri was concerned, Vanessa, was no longer with a footballer therefore no longer a WAG and out of her circle of friends. MEOW!!!!!
Vanessa with WAGS during Euro they have all kicked her out of the WAG clique

Even more gossip has been released about Vanessa bedding even more footballers.  It was rumoured that Vanessa would be revealing her side of the story to one of the Sunday papers.  She even hired PR Guru Max Clifford to represent her. However the homewrecker, lady decided to keep some ounce of dignity and keep her silence.  She was reportedly paid off by Terry instead in a deal worth about £800,000, more than any newspaper would ever pay for a kiss and tell.  Nice work if you can get it eh?

Max Clifford PR Guru reading out statement with Vanessa

Unlucky for John Terry, he was sacked as England Captain and replaced by vice captain Rio Ferdinand instead.  Looks like England Coach, Capello, was NOT pleased with his behaviour off pitch and had to show Terry he didn't stand for nonsense.  
Little too late for tears Terry

Let's have a thought for Vanessa and Wayne Bridges poor child.  The innocent party in all of this mess.  She claims the reason she DIDN'T sell her story is because she doesn't want to cause upset and disturbance to her son's life. Bull!  Maybe she should have thought of that before she began an affair with her son's husband's team-mate! Silly sausage.

Vanessa and Wayne in happier times..apparently she wants him back..FAT CHANCE!

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