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Friday, 22 January 2010

Media Work Experience/Internships

 Looking for an Internship?

Are you looking for work experience or internships in the media? Magazines, newspapers, radio, television or PR?

I already help loads of my friends look for internships so I've decided every week to post jobs I find on my blog! Yep, I want to help you!

Internships and work experience aren't just for people in university, it can be for anyone wanting to build up their CV's or portfolio with work experience within their chosen industry.   Anyone who has tried to get work experience will know how difficult it is securing a placement as it is VERY competitive, particularly if you want to work within the media industry.

If Betty can (just about!) cope then you have NOTHING to worry about ;-) 

Having said that, there is a plus side. As we are experiencing the recession (yawn sooooo over it!) lots of  companies are making cut-backs and redundancies therefore allowing people like yourselves to be exploited to the max - by working for free!

Working for free sucks - there is no other way of putting it! But if there's one thing I've learnt, is that the experience gained greatly outweights the negative.  If you get to work in the company of your dreams, take the opportunity and grab it with both hands! 

 This image made me giggle - i cant promise you WONT be making tea! lol it's all part of the experience!  

When I was at University I found all my work experience and internships on my own which at times was so exhausting - having to contact so many companies with so little response was so time consuming. I wished someone had thought of my idea of a blog helping others find internships!

Constantly being rejected didn't do much for my confidence :-( but in the end I managed to secure some of the best internships ever ...

(and more!) by being consistent, determined and most of all ENTHUSIASTIC. :-) 

I cannot stress how important this is when undertaking work experience.  Nobody likes to work with a miserable, ungrateful, and worst of all rude, person.  Least of all when working in stressful conditions.  As much as working in the media is fun and "cool" it can also be extremely busy, stressful and *shock horror* hardwork! Having to work for long hours with minimum pay or in worst cases only travel expenses is HARD.  But in the end soooooooo worth it!

It won't all be hardwork internships can be lots of fun too! 

So I hope that my blog will be of help to you! Feel free to ask me any advice about CVs and covering letters. I won't write them for you, but can offer you advice and suggestions! 

Will be posting jobs every Friday so make sure you check back whenever you can- good luck!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice brief and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.

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